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capital duty中文是什么意思

用"capital duty"造句"capital duty"怎么读"capital duty" in a sentence


  • 必须缴纳的印花税
  • 股票印花税


  • Ex - clude capital duty fee on authorized capital
  • On incorporation under the companies ordinance , a local company pays a registration fee of $ 1 , 425 and a lodgement fee of $ 295 plus a capital duty of $ 1 for every $ 1 , 000 of nominal capital , subject to a cap of $ 30 , 000 per case
    根据《公司条例》注册成为法团的本地公司,须缴交1 , 425元注册费及295元存放文件费用,另就每1 , 000元法定资本缴交一元的资本税,但每宗个案的税项上限为30 , 000元。
  • New companies were incorporated . on incorporation under the companies ordinance , a local company pays a registration fee of $ 1 , 425 and a lodgement fee of $ 295 plus a capital duty of $ 1 for every $ 1 , 000 of nominal capital , subject to a cap of $ 30 , 000 per case
    根据《公司条例》注册成为法团的本地公司,须缴交1 , 425元注册费及295元存放文件费,另就每1 , 000元法定资本缴交一元的资本税,但每宗个案的税项上限为三万元。
用"capital duty"造句  


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